Beautiful rare deep sea creatures
Beautiful rare deep sea creatures

beautiful rare deep sea creatures beautiful rare deep sea creatures

My own goal is to study underwater life through camera lenses and to boost people’s interest in marine biology, sharing all my finding on social media and in real life through public lectures, exhibitions and media events. A groundbreaking research voyage in Australia’s newest marine park led to the rare discovery of several deep sea creatures. 10 Crazy-Looking New Deep-Sea Creatures Danielle Venton is a science writer who fosters a special love for bugs, plants, mountains, books and gorgeous space photos. My team and I are used to diving in unfavourable and often harsh conditions where we successfully conduct complex research projects. I’m marine biologist, explorer and underwater photographer, head of the divers’ team at Moscow State University’s White sea biological station. So why the name handfish Well, these quirky creatures move around the ocean floor using a unique set of fins that look similar to human hands. One of the potential newbies A terrifying, see-through critter that the researchers believe is a type of cusk eel, which is pretty much a ghostly underwater. The photographer’s lens captures any strange and unknown aquatic life in the ocean’s deep, from the tiniest sea worms to giant jellyfish. Please scroll down and enjoy! For several years, Semenov and his team have been conducting scientific research diving in the harsh and unforgiving cold environment. Featured below are some of their rare findings in extremely bizarre images, yet stunningly gorgeous bursting with sharp, vivid colors. Of the 235,000 or so species we do know about, many have adapted to their environment with peculiar camouflage, bioluminescence, and mating habits. He is the head of the divers’ team at Moscow State University’s White Sea Biological Station located in the Artic Circle. A look at some of the ocean's deep-sea residents. Russian marine biologist and photographer Alexander Semenov has been capturing and documenting rare, beautiful deep-sea creatures. Cuttlefish (Sepia sp.) are masters in camouflage and extremely pleasant and interesting to observe, both during day and night dives. The creatures that can be found in the dark depths of the midwater and seafloor range from breathtakingly beautiful to terrifying.

Beautiful rare deep sea creatures